Thursday, March 31, 2011

Detoxing Your Insides with a Cleansing Regimen

Feeling beautiful on the outside comes from healthy insides. It's easy to get lost in our beautifully packaged cosmetics, and skincare products but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, our health comes first. After all, our body is a temple, right? (Lousy cliche, I know...)

Anyway, what I am getting at is that I sometimes lose sight of what's really important and indulge in vanity a little too much. How much is too much, right? Lately I've been feeling kind of sluggish and dull and all sorts of crappy.  My skin feels dry and irritated from the constant weather hiccups (hot one day, raining the next... make up your mind!) I decided to start a cleanse regimen to get rid of toxins in my body probably due to stress, pollution, foods I eat and other environmental factors like dust and debris. I went to Whole Foods after straight after work today and bought a 2 week cleansing kit.

What it is: The kit contains a two week supply of vitamins that you take in the morning and at night. I'm not going to lie, it's a rigorous vitamin overload. During the 1st week, you take 12 vitamins each day. By the 2nd week, you take 13 vitamins O_O CRAZY right? 

I've done this once before a year ago or so and it works. Truly works. I was so skeptical of it at the time because I can easily blend my own concoction of healthy fibrous stuff, but this kit has a lot of plant extracts that you wouldn't otherwise easily get at the grocery store, like dandelion root or elm bark. 

I don't want to get all gross on you all, but you pretty much can expect what you're thinking to expect ;) Your digestive system will get a thorough cleaning. The toxins living in your body will be flushed out so you can feel more energized and/or lose weight. I don't recall if I lost any weight but the water retention on my face went down, my skin became way clearer and I slept better. 

It's crazy but I felt this was really effective for me. I've never tried any other cleanses before simply because I'm kind of a creature of habit and tend to go back to things I've tried. 

I bought this at Whole Foods for $12.99 pretax. It's from their 365 Everyday line. You can find different cleanses online or at GNC, Vitamin Shoppe or natural foods store. 

Have you tried this? Any thoughts? :) I hope I'm not being gross o_o


Amy said...

Wow I haven't tried anything like this before 0_0 but definitely sounds interesting-don't know if I can deal with 13 vitamins tho... haha.. Are the vitamins big?

TK said...

OMG! 12 and 13 vitamins per day is crazyyy!!! LOL :D This sounds kinda interesting but I hate taking vitamins...I always forget or am too lazy to take the ONLY vitamin I take :P

Unknown said...

I really need a super body cleansing~I am feeling the toxic inside:)

Eva said...

This sounds interesting...I want to try it now thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried any detoxing before. Ive heard of the Lemon detox but I haven't heard of this one. 13 vitamins!! Omg, I have a phobia of swallowing tablets and I can never get them down. I always gag :/
Glad this works for you though :D

Mandy said...

reminds me... i haven't detoxed in a while :S i'm supposed to do it 3 times a year but i haven't done one this year at all!!

Stephanie said...

Ooh I've never seen that before! sounds very interesting. I would love to try it out. :) Thank you for sharing!

mizzsandychau said...

oh wow, i really want to try this! hope tehy sell this stuff in toronto drug stores

Tracy@Beauty Reflections said...

I've always wanted to try one of these. I think I will be brave and finally do it.

The Esthetician said...

I would love to try this.

Unknown said...

i love that you made a post about this! having a healthy digestive system is so important for the skin! i read a girl's experience about a colon cleanse in a magazine before and i thought it was such a great idea! i just found out there is a whole foods in my downtown area but i'll keep an eye for this if i ever go :) is whole foods pretty common in the states?

tiffyama said...

I think we all forget that our bodies need the most care. This cleansing system sounds interesting though~ and for a good price! I might try it one day. ^^

breakingrumours said...

I've tried something similar before and my my what an experience it was LOL LOL I would love to try this one day :D thanks for the heads up!

Kileen said...

oh wow, i've been curious about these cleanses too but have never tried them. good to know that they work for you. i might give them a shot now.

cute & little

Mana said...

I've never heard of anything like this before! I hope it works well, if it does I might hop on the wagon too =P Im afraid I don't drink as much water as I would like to =(

Angela said...

Always seen these cleanses (not this particular one) and never tried one. Feel like I could definitely use one now though, as we're about to head into Winter. I could use a clean-up and pep!

Anonymous said...

oooh! so good to know. i've been trying to find a cleanse but too scared to try any of them. this one doesn't sound too bad! btw, love the name of your blog!


Yeri said...

How funny! I am doing the cleanse too! Except I bought my kit at Trader Joes. Is it bad I cheated yesterday and had a little rice? A Korean girl has to have her rice! :O)

Unknown said...

Ha, I am doing a detox as well! I have never tried detox supplements though. Cleasings really do work well for the body.

Unknown said...

my mom detoxes at least once a month but i never do because the one time I tried the detox supplement - I had MASSIVE stomach aches and *ahem* diarrhea for DAYS >< It was such a painful experience I've never plucked up the guts to detox again :( I'm glad it worked so well for you tho ;)

Isabel said...

That's alot of pills to swallow.. x.x Sounds like something I need lol! My diet isn't exactly healthy and I don't drink enough water.

Jen said...

Wow.. that sounds intense >_<"
I'm totally keen to try that out.. if only they had it in NZ = ="
I'm sure there's a chinese pill thingy that does the same thing.. sorta? detoxing the digestive system and all..
Don't worry! it's not gross. It's natural right? haha ^^;