Thursday, April 15, 2010

Peppermint tea, sunshine and night owl

I noticed how late I always post. It's always near this time or around midnight! I am a total night person. I like days too but nighttime is my prime. I always stay up late and feel more creative @ night. Work has been tiring! Some of the stress gets to me sometimes, but I'm a pretty laid back person so I don't take it personally for too long.

Recently, I made a purchase through another blogger, Thao! (InnerChild). I bought the Shiseido powder makeup with the refillable compact! I loved it! She was super sweet and included 2 facial masks and Shiseido samples! Aww... =) I felt so special. This was the first package I got since I moved to my new apt! I'll definitely remember that.

The Shiseido powder is AMAZING. I had a sample of this once when I bought the mascara but I never got around to buying it because I always had some reason not to get it since I have stash of other things I haven't even touched yet. Don't you hate that? I'm so afraid that makeup will expire so I always feel the need to use them all! LOL

Anyway, I want to say thanks to NERDDORK for giving me a blogger award!

I was also tagged by Jenny for the Me in Three's! It's so funny since I've been seeing this go around :) It's fun learning about others and their world outside of blogging =D

Here's mine =D

Three names I go by:
1. Jen
2. Jennifer (my real name, duh!)
3. Wizii

Three jobs I have had:
1. Executive Assistant at a search engine! (
2. Sales Associate at Hallmark Cards
3. Office Assistant at a real estate firm

Three places I have lived:
1. Alhambra, CA (suburban town in LA)
2. San Jose, CA (currently!)
3. Woodland Hills, CA
As you can tell, I've only lived in California!

Three favourite drinks:
1. Honey Milk Tea (ABSOLUTE favorite!)
2. Tea, all flavors especially roasted green tea. I love herbal teas too, but I like to reap in the benefits of green!
3. Lattes

Three TV shows I watch:
1. One Tree Hill
2. House
3.The L Word

Three places I have been:
1. Hawaii
2. East coast (NY, Boston, etc)
3. Lake Tahoe :)

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Asia
2. Canada
3. Europe

Three favourite old TV shows:
1. Dawson's Creek
2. Simpsons
3. Family Guy

Three favorite dishes:
1. Taiwanese food!
2. Sushi
3. Mussels in white wine

Three makeup products I cannot live without:
1. Gel eyeliner
2. Lancome concealer
3. Burt's Bees lip balm

Three things I'm looking forward to:
1. Tomorrow because it's Friday!
2. Going to SF
3. Visiting my mom in LA

Three people I'm tagging:
1. Leenda
2. Jessica

And everyone else who hasn't done it yet =D

Anyway, here is my FOTD! :)

What I used:
Diorsculpt in 30
Loreal Color Juice stick in Personali-Tea (my nudest color!)
Body Shop Cheek blush (cream)
Shiseido face powder
Prescriptives Eyeshadow Sable and Copper 
MAC fluidline in Blacktrack


Unknown said...

Hahaha I finally got your first name down! :D:D
It's so cool that you you used to live around here (where I live) XD
And I always write my posts at night too, I'm not awake enough in the morning or during the day so I only post shopping related stuff during the day and everything else I type up at night. But I try to schedule them for the next day so that I can have some consistency and get in the rhythm of writing (once I lose my way I have a hard time getting back on the wagon). But I know you post at night so I usually read yours at night too haha

I like your make up look for today :)

And if you have time when you come to LA let me know! We can get boba :D

Oh and on my blog you mentioned that you were looking for boots...? I bought mine at Nordstrom rack for about a quarter of the original price. I think TJMaxx and Marshalls are great but for shoes Nordstrom Rack is better! They have more sizes and a lot of options for each size! Although now that we're closing in on summer you can probably find boots on sale anyhow ^^

PS. Notice how you posted at 11:11? ^^

Anastacia said...

Nice goodies!!
Congrats for the award!

Irene said...

Awww...thank you so much for the tag dear! :)

I am SO bad about staying up late to post. I feel my creative juices pulsing at night too but I need to be more mindful as sometimes I go to bed at around 3-4am!!! My body hates me T_T

YAY for the Shiseido purchase! I think skincare is always a GREAT investment and well - the powder foundation has some spf so I consider that skincare hahaha...hope it works well for you, I know you like liquid foundations, but powder is so easy and the Shiseido ones have good coverage & look great! I like to buff mine in with my kabuki brush since the sponge can get unsanitary if used everyday.

Have a great Friday! :)

MissS.elle said...

Mussels in white wine... DELICIOUS! I'm craving for it now ;D

Angelique said...

Oohh Alhambra huh? My friend used to live there and I would go and visit all the time. I miss the restaurants there. I need to drag the BF with me or something.

Congrats on the awards! :]

Jess said...

Very pretty FOTD! I love your black lined eyes!

Leenda said...

Very nice FOTD! I try not to stay up so late just bc...I can't get up in the morning! lol I feel like an old lady when I sleep early, but hey I need my sleep! hahah It's great to learn a little more about you through this tag. =]

rene said...

love your fotd =)
your 3 fav drinks are mine fav too!

Carrie Tai said...

wow... so many masks.....

ANd i lve your makeup too! nice!

Unknown said...

thanks for the doing the tag! i enjoyed reading it :D we are both jens!

i also like honey milk tea as well MMmmm

and very pretty FOTD! it's my favourite of yours so far!

Unknown said...

wow the artliner for $10?! let me know if u are interested in purchasing some for me the next time you go there and i can pay you back through paypal! :)

Gizelle Faye | Vanilla Ice Cream said...

thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!hehehe.
i'm a season late on the bf jeans though...but always love it!

you do such great product reviews...and i can't believe you have that many products too..hehe.
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥