Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Bad Skin Fix - Jason Vitamin E Oil

Hello friends!

I am back again, and excited for the weekend doing absolutely nada. Maybe some thrift shopping tomorrow, possibly. Hopefully.

Ah, I also wanted to share some updates on my skin. For the past 2 months, I've been suffering from breakouts and pimples and discoloration on my skin. I believe it was from a combination of hormones and stress. I haven't been motivated to wear much makeup either, but my skin is slowing coming around. I really owe it to the Jason Vitamin E Oil. I wrote a short review here. That was nearly 2 yrs ago!

Because my skin was inflamed, I wanted to take the natural route to heal it. After I wash my face, I would apply a few drops of this oil as a moisturizer and before bed, another few drops. Since this vitamin E oil is potent, it really softened my skin. I had bumps (like milia) around my chin and on the side of lips, and after using it for a straight week, the bumps are gone! Right now, my skin routine consists of a thorough cleansing, followed by a serum and then the oil. In the morning, I wash my face with a cleanser and go about my normal routine.

What it means:
+nourishes, moisturizes and helps regenerate the skin
+mix of Almond, Apricot, Avocado and Wheat Germ Oils help protect against fine lines 
+Vitamin E can help prevent the damage from the environmental elements
 +Vitamin E helps  decrease the appearance and roughness of wrinkles
+improve elasticity and helps promote healing of damaged skin

The oil claims to really penetrate and regenerate the skin. It's gotten rid of a lot of redness and blotchy, uneven textures on my face. I really really believe this is what healed my skin. While it's quite a heavy oil, the nourishment that it gave my agitated skin proved that Vitamin E is essential to our bodies. My skin's elasticity has improved as well as overall circulation. I've been using this routine for nearly a month and a half and my skin's been at its healthiest it's ever been. This step in using the oil has earned a permanent spot in my skincare routine. I will show you guys some before and after pics in the next post.

Honestly, the best part of this oil is that it's a thrifty buy. I sought this out at my local Whole Foods for around $6-8 (can't remember the exact price) and it comes in a rather nice 4oz bottle that seems to last forever because it's a concentrated oil. You don't need much of that stuff to cover your face. It's one of the best skincare finds I've ever stumbled upon. It's also awesome that it's all natural. You can find even higher concentrations of this oil. The one i have is 5,000IU, and they have up to 32,000IU. Another thing I like about it is the lovely almond scent. Absolutely divine.

Again, very versatile product. The oil can be used all over the body, mixed with other moisturizers and so on. I think it's great as an eye cream substitute if you want prevention. It's what I have used it for before my skin went haywire =p So there you have it. I am in love with this and will continue to repurchase. I highly highly HIGHLY recommend this oil to anyone who's having skin troubles or anyone who wants an extra boost of antioxidants and moisture in their skincare routine.

Disclaimer: Purchased by me.


Unknown said...

I love Vitamin E oil! It's great for dry patches on my face. I use the one from Trader Joes.

Unknown said...

Sounds fantastic!! I have never used Vitamin E oil, although I have noticed that when I take oral supplements, my skin feels and looks better :D Natural products FTW!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great post! I knew that vitamin E oil was good for the skin, but never used it as a moisturizer before. I have used it on my eyelashes before though. I read somewhere that the vitamin E was supposed to help keep them nourished so they don't fall out as easily.

Kalmo said...

Dang, you're really selling me on this oil. I did buy a bottle for acne hyper pigmentation a while ago but haven't used it yet. I'm going to try to mix it in my regular lotion first, thanks for the tip and review.

Ashley said...

Ah! Your post reminds me, I've gotta pick up aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil for the BF. He's got major scarring from acne.

Anonymous said...

i think im gonna try using vitamin e oil for my skin!!! got breakouts this past few months and i hate it...

hope you'll follow my blog!

welldressedmaker said...

Thanks for this review! My skin has been really horrible the last 10 months or so because of stress and hormones, and I've been trying to find a way to get it back to being nice and even! Must try this sometime soon!
♥ laura

the blog of worldly delights

Jen said...

Thanks for the review~!! ^^ I'ma go look at my nearest health stoe for Vitamin E oil (i assume we dont stock your specific one) but thanks, this is deinitely what I need for my bad skin !! :D

Mindy♥ said...

Ah yes! Vitamin E oil. Since I'm a cellist, I am prone to a lot of cuts on my fingers because of my instrument's strings. Sounds gross, but I always swear by Vitamin E oil. I think it's a miracle product!

Mai said...

this product looks good (: great review !

CMPang x

Stephanie C said...

I love the benefits of Vitamin E, my grandma used to break a capsule of it and then rub it on her skin, giving it a lovely glow. I hated the smell though! Yuck, but since ur review says it smells similar to almonds I'll have to check this out! Thanks for the awesome review =)

Amy said...

I'm happy to hear that this doesn't break you out! :o I've been weary of oil-based moisturizers...

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

Boo! Breakouts suck. Glad you found a product to like.

Btw, thanks for following me on The Girlie Blog. I'm sending the love right back-at-ya!

Anonymous said...

i love oils, and vitamin e oil is one of my favs! thanks so much for visiting my blog, hope you visit again soon!

Kaleido Mind said...

thanks for sharing! will try this:)

MizzJ said...

Wow this stuff sounds incredible! How does it feel when you apply it? I'd be afraid it would take forever to absorb and feel really sticky.

Btw thanks for visiting my blog! If you like, I'm having a little giveaway you might want to check out too :)

simplychicxox said...

Sounds great! :)
Check out my blog, and follow back? :)

Oneiro said...

Omg I wanna try this! I also have a bumpy skin near my skin and I want to get rid of it >_<! I tried the stuff from the doctor, but it only made my skin worse -.-

Sam said...

This sounds really good, thanks!



Beauty Box said...

I love hearing about success stories with natural skincare products and cheap to boot. Will def put this on my shopping list when I next go to the States.