Wednesday, October 5, 2011

EOTD using the Anastasia Beauty Express Brow Kit

'ello pretty gals and beauty queens! I'm glad to see a lot of you expressed interest in this brow kit. I have to say it's quite easy to use, but it's such a conundrum of a size and definitely not something you'd carry around when travelling.

Before I post any pics, I want to remind you all that I was not a big brow person and therefore didn't think too much of it other than to keep it neatly trimmed and plucked. I am, however, changing perspectives as I see that eyebrows really do frame the face and if anything it makes one look more polished and youthful.

Here's my attempt at improving ze brows.

I opted for the lighter color as the base and then used the darker brow color to fill in any sparse spaces. See below.

What's different from this brow kit compared to the ELF one that i used before is that pigmentation in the Anastasia kit is incredible. If you don't use a light hand, you can easily overdo it and have really sharp lines.
This kit has a brow wax that you apply before so you can get the hairs to set in place before filling it in with color. It works wonderfully!

The Stencils: Interesting concept, but hard to maneuver. I'd much rather follow the shape of my own brow than to use the stencils to create a shape. Even the most petite one had an arch that went way too high for my eyes. I can see many people using it, but it's just way too unnatural for me to do so.

1. The two colors are perfect for brunettes and it doesn't look unnatural in any way. The taupe color softens the face, while the darker taupe color frames the brows without the intensity a straight brown or black would give.
2. It also helps that the Anastasia brand is the eyebrow expert. The pigmentation of the colors is absolute, and high quality.

1. Unfortunately, I do not like the packaging. It's bulky and the name 'express' is anything but. The magnetic closure is good, but the size of it is like two iPhones.
2. When I googled this kit, I also noticed the high price tag. It's around $38-40 for the kit and while it's unique, a lot of folks can use a high pigment eyeshadow (MAC Expresso, or Dark Edge) to fill in their brows.

Overall, I still really like how it makes my eyebrows look better, but I can do without the stencils. I really like the angled brush a lot and I think it makes complete sense to have it included in the kit. In the future, I do see myself purchasing the brow duo from Anastasia. Specifically, this:

How do you gals fill in your brows? Brow kit, eyeshadow or something else? Do share! :)

Disclaimer: The Anastasia Beauty Express Brow Kit was sent to me for review purposes.


Alexis the Honey B said...

LOVE anastasia brow kits!!! I swear by this stuff! Great buy!

Jamilla Camel said...

Very nice brows! Anastasia produces some excellent brow products.

Joyce said...

I don't spend alot of money grooming my brows or buying makeup for my brows. I pluck them myself with a tweezer and fill them in using Mac eyeshadows. I usually mix Espresso with a dab of Carbon, but I don't use too much of Carbon or else it tends to look a little harsh even if I blend it out with a spoolie. Charcoal Brown is a better match for my brows.

Elizabeth Chang (Skyla Arts) said...

ahh let me do your brows next time ;)

Makeup and Mutts said...

I have the beauty express palette & love it!<3

Your brows look nice :)

Petite Gorgeous said...

I have been looking for a brows kit for a while. Certainly heard of Anastasia. Don't like the price. Have you tried the regular one (forgot the name)?

Katherine said...

Your brows look soo good - definitely thinking about this kit now!

Eden said...

Honestly I don't think the stencils are worth it either. They don't fit most people's faces/eyebrows, and it's unnecessary.
But that Anastasia brow powder duo is amazing, and since you get two shades you can easy mix to get just the right tone for your brows. I highly recommend it~

Mandy said...

Brows make such a huge difference! I have very fair skin and blonde hair so my brows appear sparse without any filling, so I fill them in and BOOM. It is like my face was revamped. I usually use a Trucco eyebrow pencil which is the perfect taupe for my brows, even if it is a smidge too dark.

Unknown said...

I love the actual brow powders too - great pigmentation and staying power. One of the stencils was a bit of a match for me in terms of shape - the petite arch one - but the actual brow cutout itself was too long. I am currently using Laura Mercier's brow powder, but the Anastasia one is great too. I think they're both pretty comparable.

Anonymous said...

Makes your brows look lovely! I switch between a pencil and a shadow to fill in my brows. Right now I'm on shadow phase.

Su said...

What a great review! I agree, I wouldn't pay so much for it and the stencils sound tricky to use. I love your eyebrows, your natural shape is great! x

Aya said...

These are the shades I'm looking for in a brow kit :) I still don't have one, though. I dunno why I keep ignoring my brows :/

welldressedmaker said...

thank you for reviewing this! I really was wary about buying this because I thought the stencils were really the main attraction for the kit. I can't ever figure out how those really work for anyone, but that's just me. :)
♥ laura

the blog of worldly delights

ice pandora said...

I only pluck the lower part and the ickey looking hairs in the middle :)
Thanks for the review tho!


Unknown said...

the color looks really natural.. i really like it. I think going a lil lighter than your hair color is always perfect. ^_^

Unknown said...

I like that the colors are not too dark and will give a natural, full brow.
I already have very dark brows, so I don't fill them in.

Also, I have an award for you :)

Unknown said...

I've tried this brow kit before and it is amazing. It just looks natural!

Mara said...

What a great kit for brows. I usually use a brow pencil to fill in the sparse hairs.

Dreamy Princess said...

I've never fill in my brows because I'm too lazy to trim them xp
I ever hurt myself while triming them. Such a bad memory ):

Dreamy Princess

emmabovary said...

I like the idea of something like these, I can't always be bothered fixing up my brows but when I do it's nice to have everything in one place like this. At the moment I'm using Urban Decay Buck shadow to fill them in and an Ardell clear brow mascara. Simple but it works! Want a wax to set it though!

Stephanie said...

I think I may just try out the cod liver oil. I hear the taste is quite horrible. lol Have you tried it ever?

Kaleido Mind said...

love anastasia...and you have such pretty eyes:D

Anonymous said...

your brows look very natural and shapely!

Wendy said...

Your eyebrows look good! I've heard so many good things about this kit but the high price makes me think twice. Great post! :)

Unknown said...

You have pretty eyes, and my eyebrow hair is pretty sparse and I find that a pencil fills them in pretty awesomely!

Unknown said...

hello! love the various stuff you feature on your posts. i just spent a few moment to myself while (my daughter is in the bathroom) reading through your posts. :)great blog and... i am following. hope we can stay connected!