Friday, April 2, 2010

Up and Running!

I am back in the blogger world!!

I am finally done w/moving! Unpacking is a pain but it must be done. My new place is much roomier and nicer that I feel it was worth the move. For the past week, I've just been working and following up on people's blogs and moving some more. I still have a ton of things to do but I'm confident to say that I'm over 70% complete. All I need now is a dresser, a shoe rack, and maybe a large wooden mirror :) I created my own vanity area. It's really stupid looking but it makes me happy that I now have a place to do my makeup :) I'll be sure to take a pic of it!

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great.

I am so tempted to order something at Soft Surroundings. I've read about Paul & Joe products from another blogger. It's a brand from Japan that's hard to get in the US but if you have the patience to wait, they will get it in stock. I'm not sure how much the shipping costs though. I saw many other overseas brands (France, Japan, etc) and they look great!

I love the packaging =D Really cute.

Will be updating with pics in the next post.

Have a great night! =)


Unknown said...

i'm glad you're done moving! moving is a pain! please take a picture of your vanity area :D

Jenny said...

Congrats on your move! I hope you didn't get wet from the crazy weather in SF! I would love to see your vanity area :)

Leenda said...

Glad to hear you're done with packing! It can be tough and is a lot of work. Definitely take pictures cause I want to see! I've heard about Paul & Joe too, but never bought anything. Their packaging is really cute though. =]

Unknown said...

Glad you're almost done :)
And happy to see you back!

I have a friend who's really into Paul & Joe products...she has quite a few and she's written reviews about them on her blog if you're interested in finding them there >P

serenadeveryday said...

Welcome back!!
Pictures! Pictures! =D

I hate packing, moving, and unpacking. It is definitely a pain. Glad you are done though. I really like the packaging of Paul & Joe products. SOOO cute. If you find any more sites selling these products in the US do share! It's so hard to find. =(

Niccceee... that you got a free meal at Wynn but sucks that your friends lost so much. LOL. They basically paid for the meal. =X What did you think of it? I've only been to the one at Rio and Bellagio.