Here's what I got over the weekend!
These pictures came out not too great. But that pine bookshelf in the back is one thing I bought. I plan on painting it when i get the chance. If not, I enjoy the pine color. It's super tall as you can see it nearly touching the entrance to the kitchen. The sofa looks really raggedy here... LOL It's supposed to be a caramel colored suede sofa. It's soft! =P
What I wore on Saturday. Very comfortable silk top :) I wish I had more comfortable things like that.
But now to the FUN part :) Did anyone participate in the recent NYX online sale?! They were selling bulk eye shadows, lipsticks and pencil liners for really incredible prices. I was so tempted!! But I reasoned with myself and told myself that I won't use all 25 lipsticks or all 50 eye shadows LOL =P I guess most girls buy it not to use every single freaking color everyday but just the fact that we'd have an arsenal if we'd EVER need it. Am I right? =)
So instead, I went to Ulta and bought these! I had a $4 coupon for any Physicians Formula so I bought the palette for about $7.
The CG eyeshadow stick was on clearance at Target so I picked it up as well. Let me just tell you now to NEVER buy it no matter how tempted you are! The shadow stick was terrible. It was hard, color was way too washed out and the "smokes" that we're supposed to get from this product was way too light and not very flattering. I didn't even want to swatch it because the color was not true to the packaging and it has absolutely no lasting power. None whatsoever! =/ The light blue side was a little too metallicy and gives off this "rusty" impression. Not very flattering if you ask me.
Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips for green eyes. Aren't the shades so pretty?! I've wanted to try this out since they first came out! =P I really want to get the blue and brown eyes palette now! The colors are so bright and wearable. The shadows are soft and has a beautiful sheen to it and has little frosty bits in each of the shades. I especially love the teal colors. I was very impressed by the quality of this. I wore this on Sunday and the colors stayed on all day and did not crease or come off. Even the shadow brush is nice. It's angled so you can use it to apply eyeliner with any of the shadows :) I haven't owned this long enough to love it but it's really comparable to some of the best and most expensive shadows out there. I always notice how beautiful expensive eye shadows are because they have that highlighting glow that many drugstore brands don't. Things are changing now. Drugstore makeup has really stepped up and over norm of mediocrity. It's about time! Well, any product, high end or low end works for me as long as they deliver! =)
.One of my very few NYX items! Gosh, I love these. The shadows are SO silky and are strongly pigmented! It's amazing. The eyeshadow sticks are just as gorgeous. I got them in Strawberry Milk, Baby Blue and Pacific. The eyeshadows are Pacific Blue and Geisha. Now I regret not participating in that NYX sale! =p
I love the quality of these products. They are so SO good. I'm not sure how I can use strawberry milk but I guess it can be a eyeshadow base? I don't know about putting pinks and reds on my eyelids... I'm afraid it might look too reddish. People try to get the red out of their skintone with correcting formulas! LOL
Well, we'll see. I also ordered a bunch of stuff from the ELF studio line on their website =D Mostly blushes since everyone I know reviewed them and gave them a thumbs up for the price and the product. I'm looking forward to receiving the package and reviewing it for myself =D Yes, can't wait!
Here is what I brought for lunch last week. LOL It's hard to keep the creativity going all the time especially when you work every day! =p

I've received so many compliments in my last entry. Thanks! :) I am so very flattered. I found the facial wipes @ Grocery Outlet. It's not everywhere I think... mostly in the San Jose metro area. But people have found them at dollar stores, discount stores and even Walmart.I love the quality of these products. They are so SO good. I'm not sure how I can use strawberry milk but I guess it can be a eyeshadow base? I don't know about putting pinks and reds on my eyelids... I'm afraid it might look too reddish. People try to get the red out of their skintone with correcting formulas! LOL
Well, we'll see. I also ordered a bunch of stuff from the ELF studio line on their website =D Mostly blushes since everyone I know reviewed them and gave them a thumbs up for the price and the product. I'm looking forward to receiving the package and reviewing it for myself =D Yes, can't wait!
Here is what I brought for lunch last week. LOL It's hard to keep the creativity going all the time especially when you work every day! =p
Making the food was so incredibly easy that no real recipe is required! LOL For the pasta, I just sauteed chorizo and garlic together and used white wine to de-glaze the caramelized bits from the pan. Then the sauce is used to toss the pasta! And just dress it up however you like it. I usually add dried parsley and some mint to get a kick of freshness. Of course, top it off with cheese! All sorts! The panini is just ridiculous. Think of how you'd regularly make a sandwich, then press it! Before I got the George Foreman grill, I would use a big bowl to press plate on top of the sandwich to the pan. To make things even more ghetto, I put a big coffee container on the plate where it'll squish the sandwich without effort. LOL desperate times! =P
I've also had wonderful drinks made from the Magic Bullet!! Anyone use that?! =P
Goodnight everyone! =)
Oh man I am a fan of the Magic Bullet infomercial and all of the characters on it. Have you seen the Magic Bullet Express? Cheesy to the max.
Those NYX jumbo eyeshadows look awesome, did you know that you can actually depot them?
Great bookshelf! A lot of room for storage. This past weekend I also went furniture shopping. My family recently got a house so we will be moving soon! So excited! =]
I wanted to check out that physician's formula palette too except the brown colored one. lol They look really pigmented. However, I'm trying to cut down on spending for stuff for the new house.
Your lunch is so cute. It is smiling at you. lol Broccoli for hair? Awesome! hahah
I hope work is going okay for you and that your new position isn't stressing you out. Have a great day!
Ooooh the physician formula eyeshadows are so colorful! :D Love your NYX product swatch! I've been eyeing the jumbo pencil for a while now but it seems that they don't sell it anywhere in Montreal T_T". Your lunchbox is the thing! haha :D
That lunch box is so cute! Great haul and hooray for silky tops ;)
xo, Diana
Hi Jen! Where'd you get the sofa? I'm actually on the hunt right now for a love seat and chair, and will probably end up going to Ikea b/c I just need temporary furniture...
I love dollar stores! Just wish we had some in SF :( I've bought some stuff at dollar stores that's lasted me for years.. like mixing bowls and random house stuff haha.
haha your lunch is so incredibly cute!!! the physician's formula palette has some really adorable colors, perfect for the spring :)
i spy NYX jumbo pencils lol I love these aren't they great?
haha your lunch brought an instant smile to my face! you're so cute! :)
I'd love to have a lunch box like that everyday. freaking cute haha awesome! I esp love ur nyx purchase.. I can tell you really love pastel colors. perfect for this year too! but i think the best thing is the sofa lol i want a sofa like this so badly! the one i have currently is from my landlord so everytime i sit on / use it i feel so grossed out haha. lastly can i request you to do a cream pastel look please? i never know how to :(
I have that CG eyeshadow stick but in the brown and creamy white colour, it really isn't that great =__= but it's subtle and natural and makes me look like i have that "wet" eyeshadow look so i use it when i know i won't be out for long :p
the nxy sale was not valid in canada! i wanted to purchase a few goodies too :( i can't wait until i go to the states in about a week, i must hunt down a few nxy products!!
LOL on the lunch! you are hilarious jen :P
omgoshh i got a magic bullet for christmas and its sitting in my basement right now, please share some magic bullet recipes!!!
Moving is always so hectic!! Hope you're having fun with it :)
and btw, i gave you an award, check it out on my blog hehe
oh my goodness, you TOTALLY have me lemming for the Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips!! those colors are ALL SO PRETTY! Seriously, those are the EXACT colors that I picture whenever I think of summer. I really have to give them props for coordinating absolutely perfect shades for the palette!! If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost? Maybe I can get one when I move back home bc I don't know of an ULTA near Berkeley...haha yeanh, I <3 ULTA!! I'd never been in one until this year!
oh! to answer your question, I go to school in Berkz and I intern in SF a couple days of the week! ^_^ Thank you for your sweet comment on my post!! LOL you are SOO fast!! I love it!<3 I didn't expect anyone to comment it yet! :P
I love the NYX shadow sticks! You should totally get one in Cottage Cheese! It makes a REALLY good inner corner highlight :] And it lasts & lasts & lasts, since it's such a big stick! xD I recently got my older sis one bc she's been wanting one & also got another backup for myself! That color is ALWAYS sold out at the ULTA my bf usually takes me to!! Then one day he took me to another location (out of convenience) and I was super ecstatic to see that they had 2 left! I snatched those babies up lol.
YES omg...I LOVE lip balms! My lips really can't survive without them. They would often get dry out of nowhere, so I need to constantly moisturize if I don't want them to chap! So far, I've tried the red EOS lip balm (summer fruit), and I have to say, I'm quite disappointed bc it's not as moisturizing for me as I had expected it to be, what with all the good things I heard about it. It's cute, that's a given and a plus is that it has SPF, but other than that, I'm not too impressed. I think I'm going to do a review whenever I have time again! So backed up on posts omgg! :(
Wow, okay this is getting SUPER long. Sorry! You know what I think? You should definitely do a series of Jen's Homemade Lunches cooking tutorials w/ pics for every step...PRETTY PLEASEE!! They would be SUCH a feast for my poor tired eyes!! haha xD And I'm SURE all the girls will agree, too!
Okay! Last thing!
**IMPORTANT, so please answer**
What is your favorite color? :) [comment on my post with your answer!<3]
♥ caroline
Ooh. Now I want to get some eyeshadow sticks...I watched a few videos on youtube where they always use them as a base and highlighter.
Your lunch is cute :)
omg the lunchbox is so CUTE!!
and nice haul=]
i've always loved the magic bullet but i'm such a chinaman i refuse to dish out that much money for it. i'm trying to convince mr. susyness to buy it so i can use it whenever i'm at his place hahahahahaa
i'm going to try making that chorizo penne pasta one day, i day it'll happen.. ONE DAY!!!
nice little BEAUTY BINGE you on there Jen! (I don't like "haul" i say beauty binge, lol) I'm totally on a NYX kick right now. How's the jumbo pencils working out for you? They don't stay on my greasy lids!!! EVen with primer! So disappointing :(
the print on the dress is so pretty!
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
Your apartment looks so cozy. What color are you thinking of painting the shelf?
I've never bought a single NYX product before. Now I'm slightly regretting it. There were a few shadows on sale awhile back at Ulta but I had never of the brand before so I didn't get them. BOO ON ME!
I was lucky and actually got a CG eyeshadow stick for free. I actually like the color of the one I got. Although I have to agree with you on the staying power. It SUCKS! It's gone after like 2 hours. {*hahaha} Oh well.
Your lunch from last week is so cute. I wouldn't mind a face made out of food. Have you seen the Hello Kitty lunch boxes? They're SO cute!
Are you going to the bay area meet next weekend? I think we're going to the store that sells the Kit Kats in SF! =D I actually bought my first batch from online and this batch from Genki in SF. They're all so yummy.
<3 Serena.
Hehe, I really like what you did for your lunch, too cute! Right now I wish I'd bought more Physicians formula while in Canada. We don't have it where I live so seeing your post made me almost want to hop on a plabe again :)
I love your haul! and your food looks so cute! his face is like don't eat me! and your just like sorry kid! nom nom nom nom nom. hahaha how awesome is that! well I hope you have a great weekend!
omg that bento is so cute!! NYX has a lot of nice stuff. I know they have a lipstick called strawberry milk and they also have a line of lip crayons, so maybe you could use that to fill in your lips?
First of all, I wanted to thank you for always leaving me such nice comments on my blog, Jen!
The colorful e/s palette looks perfect for a bright summer look! Looking forward to some FOTDs of you with it! ;)
Looks beautiful! Love light beige color you used for most of your furniture. I def prefer that color too! :) Are you living on your own? Ohh and that one sale, I didn't miss it! Haha, But I did think the same way as I wasn't going to use ALL of it...but I def had to since I tend to give love packages out. :D GREAT PURCHASES you made. :) I'm pretty sure your going to use all of them. I'm on this "thing" where I'm only trying to purchase things that I'll only use...(unless its for a love package) haha..its hard!! >< Food looks hecka cute and at the same time delish. :)
Ahhh, NYX<3 I love all their products (:
LOL, your lunch is so cute! Sounds yummy too! I think that would be such a funny surprise for someone if you made their lunch & they open it to see that face, aahahah.
I love that silk floral/dotted dress you wore! And the rice box is so cute! HAHA. I love the face :)
Hi Jen, I would be happy with your haul too! haha I'm glad you didn't cave in to the bulk sets of NYX, I haven't either :P NYX does have good eye shadows though with tons of colors. Your lunchbox is so cute! I just checked your previous post.. and wow, drools for your pasta. Yay you like Tarte? I do want to try them out sometime because they are natural and cruelty-free!
LOL! I love your lunch, looks delicious!!:P
and the colours look gorgeous. I need some of them :P x
Darn, I didn't know about the NYX sale! I'm looking to grow my tiny makeup collection with "affordable" items. What is your lunch? It looks Asian and yummy : )
Your lunch is so cute, I should try to make mine cute too :)
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